
My research interests focus on the analysis of customer relationships, with special attention towards the adoption and acceptance of eco-innovations. I complement my theoretical work with empirical studies using qualitative and quantitative research designs. Noteworthily, I am using partial least squares (PLS) path-modeling and/or experimental designs with eye-tracking to answer my research questions.


Roemer, E. and Burs, L. (2021): How do Social Signals Foster the Adoption of Battery Electric Vehicles in Corporate Fleets? A Multilevel Framework, International Journal of Environmental Science & Natural Resources, 26(5), pp 149-153, 10.19080/IJESNR.2021.26.556198

Mahlke, C., Lahmeyer, S. and Roemer, E. (2020): What is love? Exploring the meaning of brand love and its role in determining brand loyalty, Multidisciplinary Business Review, 13(2), pp 54-65,

Burs, L., Roemer, E., Worm, S. and Masini, A. (2020): Are the all equal? Uncovering Adopter Groups of Battery Electric Vehicles, Sustainability, 12, 2815,

Roemer, E., Hagemus-Becker, N. and Ulrich, H. (2020): For which type of students does the inverted classroom model work out? An empirical analysis of learning success of different types of students, in: In: Auer M., Tsiatsos T. (eds): The Challenges of the Digital Transformation in Education. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 916, pp 110-119.

Roemer, E. (2016): A Tutorial Paper on the Use of PLS-Modeling in Longitudinal Studies: The Example of a Study of Users’ Acceptance of Battery Electric Vehicles in Corporate Fleets, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 116, No. 9, pp. 1901-1921.

Petersone, E., van Riel, A., Henseler, J. und Roemer, E. (2015): Facilitators and Barriers of Organizational Adoption of Integrated Solutions; The Case of Battery Electric Vehicles in Corporate Fleets, The 14th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, Shanghai, China.

Petersone, E. and Roemer, E. (2015): User’s Acceptance of Integrated Solutions: A Longitudinal Study of the Case of Battery Electric Vehicles, 44th EMAC Conference, Leuven, Belgium.

Collan, M., Freiling, J., Kyläheiko, K. and Roemer, E. (2014): Entrepreneurship and the art of tackling technological crises: a strategic real options framework, International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 2 (10), pp. 166-185.

van der Aa, Z., Bloemer, J., Henseler, J. and Roemer, E. (2014): Customer-Care-Center-Qualität: Messung und Nutzung, Marketing Review St. Gallen, Vol. 30 (3), pp. 16-24.

Henseler, J. und Roemer, E. (2013): “Let’s Wait and See!” The Real Option to Switch as a New Element of Customer Value, Schmalenbach Business Review, vol. 65 (2), pp. 112-136.

Foss, N. J. und Roemer, E. (2010): Towards a Real Options Based Theory of the Firm, International Journal of Strategic Change Management, Vol. 2(1), pp. 73-92.

Baier, M., Graefe, G. und Roemer, E. (2008): Selecting promising business ideas for innovative IT Services, European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 11, No. 4, S. 560-576.

Roemer, E. (2007): A Typology of Customer Lifetime Values in Buyer-Seller Relationships, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. 15, No. 5, S. 441-457.

Roemer, E. (2006): The Impact of Dependence on Customer Lifetime Valuation in Buyer-Seller Relationships’, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 22, S. 89-109.

Roemer, E. (2004): Managing Asymmetric Resource Dependence and Environmental Risk in Relationships by Real Options’, Management Revue, Vol. 15 (1), S. 89-106.

Rese, M. und Roemer, E. (2004): Managing Commitments and Flexibility by Real Options’, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 33 (6), S. 501-512.